Approaching Scripture can be a bit scary and intimidating, but we have the Spirit of God in us; therefore, we have no need to worry. One of the most common questions I receive is: “How do you study the Bible?” So today, I'm going to let you in on it!

PrayFirst and foremost, we should always ask the Holy Spirit to help us. Before diving into Scripture, pray and ask the Holy Spirit to guide you throughout your study time and to help you understand the text!

Read, repetitively

One of the first things I like to do is read through the text a few times without taking notes. Reading Scripture repetitively helps! After a few times of reading the text, I like to go in and define words that I am unsure of, and also make note of any cross-references that come to mind when reading.

Ask the 5 W's

Once I have read through and defined words I’m unsure of, and made note of cross-references, I like to start answering these questions:

1) Who wrote the text?

2) When was it written?

3) What was the culture like during this time? Where is the setting?

4) To whom was it written?

5) Why did they write it?

Asking these questions will eliminate the risk of plugging myself into Scripture, and I can fully understand the context of the text that way.


Doing the previous steps can will help me interpret the text! So then I begin breaking the text down verse by verse.


Once I’m done reading or studying, I like to see how I can apply the Word to my life because we are called to be doers of the Word and not hearers only. (James 1:22) I like to ask myself these questions Jen Wilkin suggests:

1) What does this passage teach me about God?

2) How does this aspect of God’s character change my view of self?

3) What should I do in response?

When I’m concluding my study of a book or chapter, I will double check my notes with a trusted commentary. I want to remind you all that for the most part, commentaries are basically just someone else’s notes, thoughts, or explanations about a text. You have the same Holy Spirit these well-known theologians do. If the Holy Spirit can speak to them about the text, then trust that He can speak to you as well.

Wrestle With Scripture

There are going to be times where studying Scripture gets hard, and that’s okay. Embrace those moments of uncertainty. Wrestle with Scripture. Look at cross-references before looking at a commentary, or turning to your study Bible. Ask someone trusted in the faith to help you. As believers, it is our responsibility to rightly divide the Word of Truth (2 Timothy 2:15) and God wouldn’t call us to do that without helping us. Stay encouraged, sisters! Also, feel free to leave a comment about what you do when studying the Word!

*Shameless Plug ⇢ I have created a FREE Bible Study Worksheet to help you when you are studying the Word. All you have to do is click here to download!

This post was originally published on December 15, 2017.


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