We’ve all heard this verse. Some of us know it like the back of our hands. I’m talking about Matthew 28:19-20:

“Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”

Do we just quote it because we think it’s cute? Or do we feel convicted when we read it and run to sign up for the next mission trip that’s happening? To be honest, I think disciple-making is slipping through the cracks. When I was new to my faith, I didn’t even have anyone disciple me. It seems like Christianity is all about Sunday services, conferences, and revivals. I fear that many of us are committing the sin of omission as I was. Now, you might be wondering what the sin of omission is. I’ll tell you! It’s a sinful failure to perform an action. We are called to actually do something with our faith. Following Jesus is more than just a Sunday morning thing, but if you live in the Bible belt like me, you might be told otherwise. 


This isn’t a suggestion, it is a command. Jesus said: “go and make disciples of all nations.” Does this mean you should switch tabs so you can sign up for your church’s upcoming mission trip? If the Lord leads you to do so, then yes. Does this mean you neglect the nation you live in? No. Does this mean you neglect the city you live in? No. All nations is not limited to a place you do not live in. We are placed where we are for a reason and we must make it a priority to reach the people near us. 


Maybe you are considering really making disciples now. That’s great! You are probably wondering how you should do it. I had these thoughts when I started a few months ago too. Quite frankly, it is simple. Jesus said: “teach them to observe all that I have commanded you.” Now, you may be wondering if that’s all? Pretty much. We are called to walk with people, to do life with them, to show them the Jesus in us. When we do life with people, we pray with them, we read the Bible with them, we confess our sins to one another. We really do life with people. That is all there is to it. 


Fear and excitement seem to be the two things we feel when we start something new. It’s normal. However, we can take courage as followers of Christ because Jesus said: “I am with you always.” He did not tell us to do something without being there with us and for us. When you decide to take the step to obey God when it comes to disciple-making, you can rest knowing that Jesus will be with you. You do not have to fear. The Lord will teach you how to disciple people. He will lead and guide the way for you.

So to answer the question, yes, you should make disciples. You must make disciples. If you are a Christian then you are a disciple and that means you are a disciple-maker! By the grace of God, I believe you can do this. I’m new to it too! I’ve only been exposed to this since I joined my new home church. It’s better to get started later than never! Don’t let the guilt of not doing it overtake you. I’m praying for you! 

This post was originally published on September 3, 2018.


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