I’ve got to say, we are pretty lucky to be Christians during the time we are in. We have so many resources that we have access to at all times, which can be both a good and bad thing. With all of the books, blogs, podcasts, and sermons, we have the ability to learn about the Bible like never before. However, if we aren’t careful, we might place those resources above the ultimate source - which is God’s Word. While those tools were created to point us to His Word, they should never take its place.


Let’s not get confused here. There is absolutely nothing wrong with reading books, listening to podcasts or sermons, or doing a devotional. But, it is wrong when those resources replace our time in God’s Word. Just because we are reading or listening to something that includes scripture, doesn’t mean that we are reading it for ourselves. God’s Word is the main source once and for all. May we never get so caught up in the resources we have that we neglect the source. It’s easy to do. We need God’s Word more than anything else in our lives.


Reading the Word of God isn’t optional for a Christian. The Word of God is alive (Hebrews 4:12). The Word of God is our weapon when we are facing spiritual battles (Ephesians 6:17).  The Word of God is our spiritual food (Matthew 4:4). It nourishes us. The Word of God sustains us (Psalm 54:4). And if we don’t know the Word, then the enemy can easily deceive us like he did in the garden. If we don’t know the Word, how will we be able to converse with those who do not believe in Jesus with confidence? Make getting into God’s Word a daily priority.


Meditate on it day and night.

Put it as your wallpaper on your phone, iPad, laptop, etc.

Write it on a sticky note and place it in a spot that you will see it throughout the day.

Put it on a notecard and stick it in your purse.

Write it on your hand. Use the “abbreviation method.” I’m actually not sure what it is called, but here is an example: “Keep your tongue from evil and your lips from telling lies.” Psalm 34:13 - You would abbreviate it by using only the first letter of each word. So it would look like this: “KYTFEAYLFTL” Ps 34:13. This has helped me a lot!

I want to conclude with a disclaimer. I am not saying there is anything wrong with reading books about God or listening to messages about God. But, what I am saying is, do not let that replace your personal time in God's Word. Spending one on one time with God is vital in the life of a believer. Don't skip out on it today.

How do you make reading the Bible a priority? How do you like to memorize scripture?

This post was originally published on June 5, 2018.


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